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Flowers With Love

for your special events

Dear Customers,

We will be closed Thursday, November 28th through Saturday, November 30th in observance of Thanksgiving; Regular business hours will resume Monday, December 2nd.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Please note that the bouquet shown represents our original design. If the specific flowers or container in the arrangement are unavailable, our local florists will craft a stunning bouquet that closely resembles it.

For All Occasions


When you send a Deal of the Day bouquet, you can feel confident knowing that your Cassandra's floral designer will create an unforgettable flower arrangement with their own signature style and flair.

Please note that flowers and designs will vary as our artisan florists work with the freshest, in-season flowers and their own personal inspiration - but you can be sure your bouquet will delight!


Happy Birthday!

Liven up any birthday party with festive birthday flowers or surprise them with a cheerful "Happy Birthday" bouquet!




Welcome to Cassandra’s Flowers!


Every bouquet and arrangement is artfully designed by Margarita, the shop’s owner and operator, and delivered with exceptional service.


Named in memory of Margarita’s niece Cassandra, Cassandra’s Flowers has provided an extensive selection of stunning arrangements for over fifteen years and award winner of "Florist of The Year" for seven consecutive years to the

Fort Stockton, TX area.


Cassandra’s Flower Shop has the perfect arrangement to convey any sentiment. Flowers communicate the excitement of romance, a wish to feel better, the elation of celebration, comfort during loss, and the spontaneity of “just because”.


Featuring seasonal selections, classic styles, creative designs and customized options, let Cassandra’s Flower Shop express what’s on your mind and be part of your special event.

Orange Chrysanthemums
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